Friday, December 18, 2009

Ranting Regarding the R Rating

I originally wrote this as an after thought to my review of Moon. Which carried the rating for language reasons. After sleeping on it, I still believe what I said.

"If you’re bothered by the ‘R’ rating, then please try to avoid living outside of Utah, cause you’ll summarily be exposed to worse language than was in this movie, which gave it it’s ‘R’ rating. And face it, the only reason you avoid ‘R’ rated movies is because you can choose not to subject yourself to such things right? Well, you can choose to not be subjected to real live people who have ‘R’ rated language and lifestyles by surrounding yourself by non-’R’ rated people for your entire life, right?

Don’t get me wrong, I understand not wanting to see ‘R’ rated movies. But a blindness and otherwise “evil” disposition to anything carrying that rating will keep you from seeing some of the most amazing expressions of humanity through film. I can think of movies such as The Fall, Slumdog Millionaire, Braveheart or Gladiator right off the bat. All movies that are more pieces of art than entertainment. Whatever your personal choice might be, if you can’t conceive a such rated film has merit, than you might as well call Michelangelo’s David or Bottecilli’s Birth of Venus pornography (or countless other works of art)."

1 comment:

  1. true that. josh has good arguments about rated R movies too. personally i just dont really care. but when utah people get all sensitive and touchy about it, josh can prove his point. most of my favorite movies are rated R (the changeling, slumdog millionaire, crash, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, misery, gran tarino, etc). therefore, i completely agree.
